Game Ready

Training Programs

Game Ready’s Commitment to Developing Children and Youth

Our programs are focused on improving physical literacy, fundamental movements and overall fitness of children and youth. The most recent research has shown that we in Canada need to increase children’s activity!


Game Ready is unique in that it provides a progression of athletic and fitness development that coincides with maturity and physical literacy.


A base level of fitness and fundamental movement is developed as the athletes appreciate exercise as a lifestyle. Basic movements, balance and coordination are developed as coaches use games, relays and drills with a focus on high energy and fun.


This program is a must for developing young athletes as they become physically literate and competent with fundamental movements. As the comfort level increases they will work on strength and speed while maintaining a high level of conditioning. Coaches will teach and challenge in order to make each child/youth develop more confidence in their abilities.


Game Ready is unique in that it provides a progression of athletic and fitness development that coincides with maturity and physical literacy.


Prepare for sports participation as coaches take full advantage of the first “speed zone”, the age that the body develops some of the neurological muscle memory related to speed. Running form and proper running mechanics will be emphasized. The goal is to provide physical and mental confidence to play and participate in all sports and activities.


Game Ready is unique in that it provides a progression of athletic and fitness development that coincides with maturity and physical literacy.


This program is designed to be an introduction to weight training.


Particpants focus on strength training and muscular development, as athletic movements are refined. Proper progression through a workout is emphasized to maximize strength development, flexibility and range of motion.


Athletes build on their strength as they develop more power and explosiveness for sport specific movements.  Coaches will focus on the physical & mental preparedness for competition and reaching of personal goals.


Game Ready is unique in that it provides a progression of athletic and fitness development that coincides with maturity and physical literacy.


This is an elite weight training program, designed for Athletes with an understanding of weight training fundamentals.


Particpants focus on strength training and muscular development, as athletic movements are refined. Proper progression through a workout is emphasized to maximize strength development, flexibility and range of motion.


Athletes build on their strength as they develop more power and explosiveness for sport specific movements. Coaches will focus on the physical & mental preparedness for competition and reaching of personal goals.


Game Ready Fitness partners with community centres, public schools, and nonprofits to provide in-school and out-of-school sports, fitness, and physical literacy programs for children and youth of all ages and backgrounds, especially those who need it the most.


After-school program registration is mainly done directly through the community partners. For more information, please contact a Game Ready Fitness representative in your area.


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After school program